Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mr. Skunk Has a Very, Very, Very Bad Day

CONNECTICUT -- The Milford Animal Control officer had the worst job in town on Monday.

This angry little skunk (see photo) had a McDonald's shake cup stuck on his head. Someone called it in after seeing the poor guy near THAT Corp., on Sumner Street.

Rochelle Thomson responded, and tried to set him right again. Not so easy, given what skunks tend to do when they are irritated or scared.

She got close to him and "was able to knock the paper cup part off of his head, but the plastic lid part was stuck," she wrote, in an email. "It looked like an Elizabethian Collar, like you would see on a dog or cat after surgery."

The skunk sprayed her several times during all of this drama. But Thomson was able to get him into a crate, and send him off to Tufts Wildlife Clinic in Grafton.

There, the kind staff gave him a sedative, and snipped the plastic lid off his head. Once the sedative wore off, Thomson released him back into the wilds off Sumner Street, where he hopefully won't get himself stuck again.

(Grafton Patch - Aug 6, 2013)