Friday, January 8, 2016

Tennessee: Ashley Compton and Christopher Davis left their dogs to starve to death

TENNESSEE -- Two people have been charged with two counts of aggravated animal cruelty each after their dogs were found starved to death in a backyard.

According to Officer Rodney Journey with Montgomery County Animal Control, police and Animal Control were called to the residence on S. Jot Drive Dec. 23, 2015 after receiving a tip from a neighbor.


When they arrived, Journey and the police officer had to use bolt cutters to get past the fence in the backyard to get to the dogs.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and Journey said the dogs, a male and female pit bull, had been dead for several days.

“If we could have gotten there a week earlier, we probably could have saved the dogs,” he said.


Animal Control believes the dogs had not been fed in approximately a month. Animal Control Director Jeanette Ferrell said the dogs were so emaciated that they looked like skeletons.

Police were able to track down the license plate and phone number of the resident, Ashley Nicole Compton. Police called her and convinced her to come to the house and she gave officials permission to go inside to make sure there were no other animals.


No other animals were found. However, a 50 pound bag of dog food was found in the garage, according to Journey.

Compton told Journey she had been in and out of the house a couple of times a week for the past couple of months. “I said, ‘you never walked out to check on your dogs?’ And the answer was ‘nope, I didn’t think about it.'”


Compton was arrested and charged with animal cruelty that same day. The other occupant of the home, Christopher Martin Davis, turned himself in Jan. 6 after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Their bonds were set at $20,000 each.

( - Jan 7, 2016)

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