Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Arizona: "My little Jessie was brutally attacked by a recently adopted pit bull as we were leaving the dog park"

ARIZONA -- Elizabeth Aker posted to the Facebook group page Our Pets Were Attacked By Pit Bulls - BSL NOW October 17, 2017 ·

My little Jessie was brutally attacked by a recently adopted pit bull as we were leaving the dog park.

The owner had left it in the park unattended. Because it happened in the park. Even though the rules said you cannot leave an animal unattended, I failed to report it when it happened.

I'm heartbroken and very angry. She survived thanks to many people who kicked and hit the dog. It slightly let to go to re-position and they were able to pull her away.

She is paying the price and there are no consequences for the vicious psycho animal. Somehow I feel the Humane Society has some culpability [for adopting out a vicious dog].