Sunday, October 22, 2017

Indiana: "My poor baby had to witness her mama dog Chloe get killed by the neighbor's pit bull"

INDIANA -- Amber Turner posted on Facebook Oct 21, 2017 · Indianapolis, IN ·

So upset and distraught. My heart is breaking for Kylee .

My poor baby had to witness her mama dog Chloe get killed by the neighbor's pit bull. I thank God she wasn't hurt physically but the trauma she experienced is what worries me.

My heart aches for the 3 little puppies without their momma. I'm thankful no human was hurt. But mad as hell that I can't sit in my own yard with my animals without them being attacked and killed. And animal control not take the dog that did it.

The same dog that has attacked 2 other neighborhood animals. The same dog that tries to jump the fence and attack anyone who walks down the street. This same family has had multiple run ins with the Animal Control. And i get told that state or county law states all animals even in a fenced in yard are supposed to be on a chain or leash.

So me and my little 4 pound Chihuahua sitting in our yard and she got killed are in the wrong.

What's wrong with this picture?

Please pray for my Kylee to quit crying and to let het sleep without nightmares!