Friday, November 3, 2017

(October 2017) Ohio: When his son is attacked by a Pit Bull and another dog, Dad chases dogs away by trying to run over them with his van

OHIO -- Bob Beckett added 5 new photos to Facebook— with Kayla Beckett.
October 18 at 9:21pm ·

This day is one crazy day to remember. I’m not much to put my business out on the book of faces much but just want to praise Jesus for his mercy.

First... I found out that my 95+ year old Grandfather had passed at 10:00 AM ish. He was an amazing amazing man that I and anyone that had the privilege of knowing him were extremely blessed by his kind heart, joking attitude, and positive attitude towards life.

Last week when visiting him he told me he was ready to go home and see his wife in heaven. I love you gramps! Thanks for helping my entrepreneur journey and have a big part (a long with my dad) on how to treat the ladies... well only one now. ??

We then went and got my kids from school and went to get my 7 year old son Bobby JR off the ?? and let him walk home with his brother as we cruised a couple hundred feet behind him in our van.


Out of nowhere a pit bull and another dog broke its chain and attacked my boy in the middle of the road biting his face, arm, and hand.

I scared the dogs off with the van by squealing the tires and speeding at them. He was gushing blood and the dog missed his actual eyeball by 2 mm!

Too bad he didn't run over both dogs. 

We then rushed to the hospital and praise Jesus he went off with some bite marks but no broken bones, stitches, and got to keep his eye!

Obviously it could have been way worse!

After 4.5 hours at the hospital we filed a police report on the dog owners to hopefully stop it from happening to anyone else in the future.

Anyways, the reason I’m telling you this is you have to look at the bright side in every situation instead of dwelling in it. My gramps lived an amazing life and now gets to be with grandma. My son is alive and can see!

If you can please say a prayer for my family as we grieve my grandpas passing... and celebration of his life. Thank you!

Focus on the positives in this crazy negative world. The pictures below were after we got the blood off his face.

Thanks for listening ;)