Monday, June 24, 2013

Paper girl attacked by dog in Monessen

PENNSYLVANIA --  A girl was attacked by a dog while delivering newspapers Saturday in Westmoreland County.

Cassandra Chipps said she is scared to go back down one of the streets on the route she has been delivering to for more than a year after a German shepherd got loose and bit her.

“It looked at me like I was a piece of meat,” said Chipps. “This gate swings open and the next thing I knew, I'm jerked around and this German shepherd has a hold of my army pants.”

Chipps, who delivers for Valley Independent, was taken to an area hospital by her mother, Brenda Chipps, to be treated for her injuries. She was given a tetanus shot and antibiotics.

A man told Channel 11’s Jennifer Tomazic that he was dog-sitting the typically non-aggressive German shepherd-Rottweiler mix when it got loose.

Brenda Chipps said the attack has her concerned for her daughter’s safety while delivering papers.
“I'm not going to have anyone mess with my babies,” she said.

(WPXI Pittsburgh - June 24, 2013)