Monday, June 24, 2013

Pit bull attacks mule in LaPorte County

INDIANA -- Jack DeGroote on Monday said his wounded miniature donkey is still sore and scared after being attacked by a pit bull.

The donkey fought back kicking with powerful thrusts at the animal who has not been seen or heard from since.

''The donkey was doing a pretty good job on him too,'' said DeGroote of Hudson Lake.

According to LaPorte County Police, officers Friday afternoon were called to the 7800 block of N. Emery Road.
DeGroote told officers his 8-year-old female mule was in a fenced in area of his property when he heard the animal braying.

He looked outside and saw a pit bull attacking his mule.

The mule fought back and at one point, DeGroote said the dog knocked down a portion of the electric fence that confined the donkey to a half acre area on his property.

DeGroote said the donkey chased the dog over the fallen portion of the fence.

After the dog disappeared, DeGroote said he grabbed ahold of the shaken donkey by his driveway and was leading the mule back to the fenced in area when the dog returned and again started attacking.

''I was thinking it was all over and here comes the dog again,'' said DeGroote.

Eventually, the dog scampered away for good.

According to police, the donkey sustained open wounds to both front and rear flanks and to the mouth area.

DeGroote said a veterinarian came out and gave the donkey a shot to prevent the possibility of the bite marks becoming infected.

He said the donkey ever since the attack has retreated to a shed where he normally goes for shelter but hasn't come out since.

He said the donkey fought back by using his powerful legs to kick at the dog and at one point seemed to be getting the best of the pit bull.

It's unknown if the dog was injured.

''She stood her ground,'' said DeGroote, who has no other animals and keeps the donkey as a pet.

According to police, DeGroote and none of his neighbors knew who owned the pit bull.

Jane Bernard, La Porte County Animal Control director, said donkeys are used by some farmers to protect cows against coyotes and can also bite to help in their defense.

''Donkeys are pretty tough. They can usually hold their own against a dog,'' said Bernard.

(WSBT - June 24, 2013)