Monday, December 23, 2013

Autopsy shows baby died from dog-bite wounds

OHIO -- An autopsy yesterday confirmed that dog bites caused the death of a baby at her West Side home on Tuesday.

Franklin County Coroner Jan Gorniak said that Mia Gibson, who would have been 3 months old today, died from internal injuries caused by dog bites.

Mia’s mother, Sabrena L. Gibson, called 911 shortly before 7 a.m. after finding her daughter on the floor next to the living-room couch where the baby’s father was sleeping, Columbus police said. The family lives on Lake Shore Drive.

“My husband fell asleep and my baby fell onto the ground, and she’s just a preemie,” she told the dispatcher, over what sounded like a baby’s cry. “Oh, sweetheart. Oh, my sweet baby.”

Mia died about 7:45 a.m. at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Sgt. Steven Little of the first-shift homicide squad said the dogs, two Shiba Inus, didn’t seem to have attacked the baby but were playing roughly with her. The dogs were being held by Franklin County animal control at the request of police.

Detectives spoke with Gibson and the infant’s father, Chris Kusumi. The case will be forwarded to the Franklin County prosecutor’s office to decide whether charges would be filed.

(Norwalk Reflector - Dec 14, 2013)


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