Saturday, August 12, 2017

Texas: Local officer rescues red-tailed hawk from swimming pool

TEXAS -- A juvenile red-tailed hawk that a local police officer rescued over the weekend has already been released back into the wild after a short recuperation.

Officer Tyler Ziegler, a Lacy Lakeview police officer, rescued the injured bird Saturday from a home Peaceful Drive after a caller reported the bird was floating in a swimming pool.

“I got the call and when I pulled up to the house a boy came out with the bird wrapped in a towel, all wet,” Ziegler said.

“I took it into the woods and dried it off, but it acted like it was injured,” Ziegler said.

He took the bird to the Waco animal shelter where staff notified Rachael Sine, a licensed Texas Wildlife Rehabilitator, who could properly care for the bird.

“It’s already gone,” Sine said Tuesday.

“It came in, stayed a couple of days and we released it back into the wild this (Tuesday) morning,” she said.

Sine said she has a menagerie at her home where she cares for any type of wild animal except eagles, she said.

(KWTX - Aug 1, 2017)