Troy James Kramer, 32, of 1587 Smith Road, held a knife to the throat of Angela Marie Broadstreet, 25, then hit her in the face several times at about 6 p.m., police reported.
Broadstreet fled to a nearby residence and contacted police. She returned home to find Kramer standing with a shotgun in his hands.
According to police, he had shot and killed three dogs chained in the front yard.
When Broadstreet told him she had called police, Kromer ran into nearby woods. Police searched the woods but didn't find him. Kromer turned himself in later.
He was arraigned before Blairsville District Justice Dolores DeGruttola on charges of aggravated and simple assault, harassment and cruelty to animals and was committed to Indiana County Jail in lieu if $2,500 bail.

(Indiana Gazette - June 20, 1994)