Sunday, February 13, 2011
Pit bull attacks 10 year-old boy
CALIFORNIA -- Authorities are trying to find out why a 3-year-old pit bull named "Savage" attacked a 10-year-old boy Wednesday in Vallejo, CA.
Police captured the dog with the help of the owner. The dog disappeared Monday afternoon after attacking Ray Wilkie near his home.
Wilkie suffered a severe laceration to his right arm. He has had to endure 14 rabies shots with more to come. In the next week he is scheduled to undergo reconstructive surgery.
Wilkie told police that the dog was purposely released to attack him, but the owner said that was not the case.
The owner said she left the dog with a friend who was unable to hold onto the leash and that it was an accident.
"The girl let the dog go, because I was talking," the owner said. "So, if I would have had a hold of him, it wouldn't have happened."
The animal services director said the investigation is not done yet.
"In this case, both stories could have happened," David Sidie said. "The dog could have been released with intention to hurt the child, or the dog could have just broken free because it's a good-sized dog, and we just don't know."
The dog's owner must decide whether to euthanize the animal, or go through a dangerous dog hearing.
(WAVE - Feb 12, 2011)