Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Hampshire: Sandown woman Jamie Labbe, 33, accused of torturing her dogs, killing one

NEW HAMPSHIRE -- A woman faces six felony charges for torturing two German shepherds, resulting in one dog's death yesterday.

Jamie Labbe, 33, allegedly forced a 6-inch pipe, a showerhead, a 4-inch bolt, a metal clamp, a cigarette lighter and a plastic marker cap down the dogs' throats.
Jamie Labbe
The 223 North Road resident was arraigned yesterday on six animal cruelty charges in Derry District Court. She is being held in county jail on $30,000 cash bail.

The dogs belong to her boyfriend, Kurt Krohn, who called police Monday to report the abuse, according to court documents.

Sandown police arrested Labbe Wednesday night at the home she shares with Krohn.

The two dogs, Pebbles and Magic, first were taken to Brushwood Veterinary Clinic in Atkinson. But Pebbles was transferred to MSPCA-Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston for emergency surgery.

Pebbles died yesterday.

Robin Serratore, Brushwood office manager and technician, said it's the worse case of abuse she has seen in her 10 years at the clinic and five years in animal control.

"It's the saddest and sickest thing you have ever seen in your life," Serratore said yesterday. "It's terrible."

A 6-inch pipe was lodged in Pebbles's trachea. A veterinarian told police it would have been impossible for the dog to swallow the object. Both the pipe and the clamp were forced down Pebbles's throat, according to court documents.

Magic has a 50% chance of surviving

Magic remains at Brushwood, but only has a 50 percent chance of survival, police said. She needed stomach surgery after the bolt, showerhead, cigarette lighter and marker cap were pushed down her throat.

Serratore said the 8-year-old German shepherds, who are sisters, had been coming to the clinic for check-ups for years and never showed signs of abuse. She said she was shocked when she learned what happened.

"It's the most disgusting thing," she said. "They are really sweet dogs."

Labbe's mother, Glenna Rose, said yesterday she was stunned by her daughter's arrest.

"I can't believe she could do that," Rose said, "I really can't."

She said it would have been difficult for her daughter to force the items down the dogs' throats.

"I feel she was afraid of the dogs," Rose said. "She didn't want to have the dogs."

Rose, who is visiting from Florida, said she was disappointed she wasn't allowed to see her daughter until at least 72 hours after her arrest. Rose told police during the arrest that her daughter was involved in an abusive relationship, court documents said.

Pebbles, an 8-year-old German Shepherd,
died after being physically abused

Labbe struggled with police as they led her from her home in handcuffs, according to court documents.

"Don't tell me he got a restraining order on me," she said, according to the police report.

Krohn could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Labbe is scheduled for a probable cause hearing Wednesday in Derry District Court.

Sandown police are investigating the case. The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals assisted in the investigation.

This is the second serious animal cruelty case reported in Sandown in the past two months.

Lida Levesque of 3 South Landing was arrested on four counts of animal cruelty after she allegedly abandoned two dogs, a cat and a hamster in her home. The hamster froze to death.

Levesque is scheduled for trial soon on those charges, according to Sandown police Sgt. Aurie Roy.