Tuesday, July 19, 2011

American Bulldog Attacks Dubuque Boy

DUBUQUE, IA -- A dog attack in Dubuque has left one woman calling for a change in law. The attack happened last Friday in a neighborhood on Dubuque’s north end. Six-year-old Joseph Bowers is now recovering in the hospital, but his family says the situation could have been prevented.

Jessica Bowers says her son was attacked by a dog in their Rhomberg Avenue neighborhood. Now the family says this is another example of why they believe something has to change.

It was the scenario every mother most fears– would her son survive?

Bowers said, “this has been a complete nightmare for all of us. ”

Bowers says her six year old son was playing outside when a neighbor’s American Bulldog jumped on top of him.

Bowers said, “it was a mauling. It was chunks out of his arm and slits and his ear was hanging off.” Joseph’s dad scooped him up right away and took him to the hospital. Doctors operated on him twice.

He now has more than 100 stitches. Bowers said, “Joseph is going to be scarred for a long time, mentally. He’s having nightmares, kicking and screaming. ”

Joseph says he can’t remember a lot of what happened and is now in good spirits while staying in the hospital. Joseph said, “I have been playing my remote control car and playing cards.”

Still, this mother says there should be a law that protects people from what she calls dangerous animals. We checked with Dubuque Police and Animal Control they confirmed the incident did happen but they say they can not release any information about the dog or it’s owners. We were not able to contact the dog’s owners for comment.

The family told us the dog involved has since been put down.

(KCRG - July 19, 2011)