Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dog survives pit bull attack

CANADA -- By-law officers are looking for the owner of a tan pit bull who attacked a small dog at Prairie Winds park.

On the afternoon of Friday, July 15, John Day and his wife took their two dogs for a walk in the northeast park.

The Day's were startled by yelling from two young men, as an unleashed pit bull charged towards them and their dogs.

They were able to pick up the smaller of their two dogs, but the pit bull locked its teeth around the neck of Rocky, a Fox Terrier cross. During the attack, the owner indicated his dog was a red-nosed purebred pit bull.

The pit bull's handlers had to physically attack their own dog in order to force its jaw to release.

Rocky suffered large lacerations around his neck, with one hole just missing his jugular vein.

The men would not give their names or phone numbers to the Day's and left the scene.

Rocky was treated overnight by veterinarians and has since been released to his owners.

The Day's are left with a large bill for the veterinary services.

"The pit bull should be put down," says John Day. "It was horrific what my wife and I went through. There were children around and they could have been seriously hurt as well."

The two young men are described as both being:
  • Between 5'7" and 5'9"
  • Approximately 18-25-years-old
  • Both having long chin length hair
Anyone with information on the attack is asked to contact the City of Calgary Animal Bylaw Services at 403-268-2489 or visit the CTV Calgary Newstip website.