Friday, July 15, 2011

Letter: Drastic measures needed to stop dog

Dear Editor,

I would like to report a vicious dog attack that occurred on Friday morning (July 8) on the corner of Dayton Street off Lake Parsippany.

I was walking my spaniel, Lady, around the block as per usual, then a Rottweiler, Sadie, darted up the street and immediately grabbed my dog by the throat and tried to bite the life out of her.

I tried to beat the dog off, but it ignored all of my blows. I screamed for help. One neighbor called the police, another came out with two frying pans and tried to scare the dog away. That had no effect either, so we each took a pan and started wailing on the dog repeatedly with the metal cookware.

After what seemed like minutes, the Rottweiler let go, only to grab back on immediately. Again we wailed on the dog, but it refused to let go. Eventually we separated the dogs and they both ran home.

After telling my story to the cops, I took my dog to the emergency vet in Fairfield. My house and car were now drenched in her blood.

This is a horrific act that should have been prevented. I will be seeking reparations from the Rottweiler's owners. From the looks I received from the neighbors, this is not the first time this has happened. I think drastic measures may need to be taken with that dog.

Mike Hayes, Parsippany

(Parsippany Life - July 15, 2011)