KANSAS -- Storm the pony returned home Friday after three weeks in an animal hospital, and the owner of the pit bulls that mauled him says she thinks the incident was caused by an angry ex-boyfriend kicking a hole in her fence.
City officials this week filed two citations against the dogs’ owner, Laura Apsley.
She will go to Municipal Court July 18 on charges that she allowed the dogs to run at large and attack another animal. She also faces charges of failing to provide full proof of licensing and vaccination.
Apsley said she’s filed for a protection-from-stalking order against an ex-boyfriend, who she thinks damaged her fence, allowing her dogs to escape.
City officials this week filed two citations against the dogs’ owner, Laura Apsley.
She will go to Municipal Court July 18 on charges that she allowed the dogs to run at large and attack another animal. She also faces charges of failing to provide full proof of licensing and vaccination.
Apsley said she’s filed for a protection-from-stalking order against an ex-boyfriend, who she thinks damaged her fence, allowing her dogs to escape.
“He came over here when nobody was home,” she said. “There’s a note on my door with his phone number and my fence is broken. How coincidental is that?”
[Did she file it before or after the attack? Where's the police report she should've filed after finding a note on his door with his phone number on it? And what 'stalker ex-boyfriend', who knows he has an OP on him, leaves his phone number? I'm not buying it...]
Her 14-year-old son, who was spending the night with a friend, returned home and let the dogs out to go to the bathroom, she said.
[Why didn't he see the note from the alleged psycho ex-boyfriend on the front door? Why didn't he call his mother immediately???]
When he went to bring them in, they were gone and he discovered the fence by his mother’s bedroom window had been damaged.
The broken board that allowed the dogs to escape was split down the middle, which Apsley said her dogs couldn’t have done. There were no claw or bite marks evident on it, she said.
As for the harm to Storm, she said, “I know it looks really bad, but it’s mind-boggling to me my dogs did that.”
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Laura Apsley kisses her pit bull Chaos, which is kenneled with the other pit bull, Mama. A responsible owner would put them down. |
The city has found the dogs to be dangerous animals, and Apsley is now required to keep them muzzled when they’re not in the house or the chain-link cage that she had to build in the back yard.
“I understand what the law is, and I have to abide by it,” she said.
She said it has already cost “pretty close to $2,000” to get her dogs back. Major costs included the enclosure, dangerous-dog licenses, extra liability insurance and $475 in city impoundment fees.“And they haven’t even given me my fines yet,” she said.
[Boo hoo. How about offering to pay for the $2,000+ vet bill. I don't know of any vets who are driving around in BMWs. This idiot complains about her fines, but how about she stop and sit for a minute and think about the terror inflicted on this pony by HER DOGS. How about she stop thinking it's 'just' a pony and think of her dogs doing the same thing to a small child. Or an elderly person. Or heck, anyone for that matter. Maybe she would quit being so selfish and do the right thing and put these dogs to sleep.]
(BlogKansas - July 1, 2011)