Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pit bull shot and killed by Pearl police

PEARL, MS -- An emotional debate in pearl Thursday among pet lovers. A Pearl police officer shoots and kills a family's pet pit bull after a gate is accidentally left ajar. Pet owners on both sides of this story are up in arms.

The dogs got loose Monday. While they were out, other animals were harmed by the pit bulls. The young owners say their dogs are not vicious, that they have owned their pets since they were 6 weeks old. But the pit bulls killed two cats while on the loose.

Outraged neighbors called police. They arrived before animal control got on the scene and killed the male dog. According to Misty Glenn, they used a shotgun not a pistol.

"According to the gentleman that cremated him, it had no head left," her husband, John Glenn said. "I feel horrible he killed the cat and everything. He's never been vicious toward any human being or nothing like that. Pearl police stand by the officers actions, saying the male dog named 'John McCain' went into attack mode when he was cornered.

(Showing the reporter photos of the dead, mauled pet cats) Lt. Butch Townsend said, "That was cat #2 with his intestines out. Like I said these could be children just as easily as if they were cats. We responded to these dogs before and assisted them in putting theses dogs up."

Now Misty says, "All we are trying to ask is that for one, it be recognized it could have been handled differently."

The distraught pet owners spent $2,000 dollars on a special pen to make sure their animals were in compliance with the vicious dog ordinance and their homeowners insurance. The fence is surrounded by a hot wire.

[NOTE: The pit bulls were supposed to be inside this kennel which is inside a privacy fenced yard which is also supposed to be hot-wired and yet they still got out to maul and kill pets. And yet the owners say it was merely a gate "accidentally left ajar".

Either the onwers were breaking the law by letting the dogs roam inside the fenced yard rather than locking them in the kennel or the kennel gate was left ajar and the dogs managed to get out of a hot-wired six-foot privacy fence.]

While the dog owners acknowledge responsibility and maintain is was a tragic accident, their beloved female pit bull Chloe may never get to come back home. Chloe has been banished from the city of Pearl by animal control. "I just want to keep my little girl. She's like a baby like he was."

[NOTE: Do they give any thought to the horrific pain and terror the cats endured while being torn to pieces by their beloved pit bulls? How about the devastated owners whose pets were ripped apart?  Nope. It's just all about them and how their aggressive dog shouldn't have been shot and how they want to keep their other aggressive, cat-killing dog.]

The Glenns hope officials will reconsider the decision. In the meantime, the young couple faces three charges each of violating the vicious pet ordinance and paid a fine of $700.00.

(WLBT - July 7, 2011)