Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beagle Nearly Killed by Pit Bull at Groundbreaking Ceremony

PENNSYLVANIA -- The owner of a dog that was attacked at a Donegal Township groundbreaking ceremony by a pit bull said the other dog's owner won't pay for the expensive veterinary bill.

Bill Johnson said his beagle named Spunky nearly died in the attack at Dutch Fork Lake last week.

"I looked down and here comes a pit bull out of nowhere that grabs ahold of my dog, and from there instincts kick in and I was trying to get the pit bull off of my dog," said Johnson.

Greg Clark, the pit bull's owner, was cited by the state game warden for failing to keep his dog under control.

Johnson told Channel 11's Dave Bondy that Clark has shown little remorse for the attack.

"There wasn't any attempt to see how the dog did or was doing. The guy didn't even stop at the vet to see how Spunky was doing. We tried calling him and he hung up on us," said Johnson.

Johnson's friend, Bill Walker, said he had to kick the pit bull to get him off Spunky.

"We were doing everything possible to get this dog off Spunky and it wasn't happening until the owner pulled him, far enough apart where the dog just ripped through the skin of the dog," Walker said.

The vet bills became so expensive for Spunky that Johnson said he had to take out a loan to pay for them.

"These vet bills are outrageous. It's probably over $1,500 already for the stitches and surgeries, and we aren't done yet," Johnson said.

Clark could face a fine of up to $500. Johnson said if Clark doesn't end up paying the vet bills, he will have no choice but to take him to court.

(WPXI - August 12, 2011)