Saturday, August 6, 2011

Warning after dog attacked by bull terrier

UNITED KINGDOM -- A Scarborough man has asked dog walkers to be vigilant after his 11-year-old border terrier was attacked.

The man, who did not wish to be named, was walking his dog, Perry, along the old railway line not far from Sainsbury’s when the animal was set upon by a Staffordshire bull terrier.

He said: “The dog got Perry’s head in its jaws and wouldn’t let go. He was lucky not to lose his eye.

“The owner should have had his dog on a lead. I’ve seen some lovely Staffordshire terriers - it’s the minority of owners who are causing problems like this.”

Perry was treated for his injuries at Cundall and Duffy vets in Falsgrave and was given a course of antibiotics.

His owner said: “I would ask people to please keep their dogs on a lead. I’m not saying they’re all bad, its just a few.”

The incident has been reported to the dog warden.

(Scarborough Evening News - August 6, 2011)