Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Woman Shoots Neighbor's Dog

OHIO - An East Columbus woman claims she had no other choice but to open fire on her neighbor's pit bull, after it got loose and attacked her dog.

"The dog jumped in this gate right here on the side where there is a hole," she explained.

"My son was right there screaming, I'm grabbing him, and the dog just attacked my dog."

She says at first she tried to pull the dogs apart, but the neighbor's dog threatened to bite her.

"I was scared of course I'm not going to break up a dog fight and my dog has never had an encounter with any dog before or anything like that," she said.

Out of options she ran inside the house and came back with a gun.

Neighbors say the woman fired two shots killing her neighbor's dog named Moose.

"I just feel bad, I'm hurt really, my feelings are hurt because I don't like stuff like that," said the woman.

"It's like watching your son or somebody else fighting and they're hurt real bad you know it's not nice I don't like it," she said.

(ABC6 - August 16 2011)