Saturday, September 10, 2011

Aggressive Dog Put Down After Biting Animal Control Officer in Face

TEXAS -- EL PASO- An animal control officer was bitten in the face by an aggressive pit bull Wednesday.

The officer was responding to a call about an aggressive stray dog chasing people outside.

The officer was bitten as he attempted to take custody of a 60-pound Pit Bull. Despite his injuries, the Animal Services officer managed to detain the dog. The dog was taken to the shelter where it was checked for registration and microchip. The dog did not have a collar or microchip. It was euthanized today to allow for rabies testing.

[NOTE: Although I'd already posted pretty much the same story earlier, it did not have a photo at the time.

Plus, it's awesome to see that some nut has taken it upon herself to post repeatedly on the site basically saying that the animal control officer was at fault, that the pit bull was scared - not aggressive, that if the pit bull wanted to attack him he'd have more than some 'scratches' on his face, that she has pit bulls that are service dogs and just love her infant child, that they didn't have to put the pit bull to sleep to test for rabies and that it's a shame that this pit bull had to be put to sleep b/c it could have been adopted by a 'loving home', that the media only reports stories of pit bull attacks, blah, blah, blah. Try to contain your laughter.]

(KTSM - Sept 10, 2011)