Monday, September 19, 2011

Lindhurst High's Goats Survive Vicious Attacks

CALIFORNIA -- A painful moan echoes through a barn at Olivehurst’s Lindhurst High School.

4-year-old Goats Brownie and Angel are recovering from two brutal maulings, possibly by a dog. 
The goats are also pregnant.

"Their injuries are mainly facial injuries and bites to their legs. One of the goats had her ears ripped off," says Jennifer Burden, Lindhurst Agriculture Instructor.

The pair belong to the school’s agriculture club, studied and cared for by students.

Burden says that with the extent of their injuries, and the shock that they may have received they might end up miscarrying.

This is the second attack in the past week.

First, Angel was ambushed in a fenced off area outside, so all the goats were then moved to gated pens with latches at night for safety. 

But then somehow the gates opened again and Brownie was viciously attacked.

Circumstances seem very suspicious. “All the gates had been unlatched and opened up. Something a dog would not be capable of doing," says Bob Eckardt, Lindhurst High Principal.

[In the video, it's simply those u-shaped latches that most people have on chain-link fencing. Why wouldn't they have locks on them in the first place? If loose dogs were getting in the pens, they wouldn't leave until all the animals were dead. Sounds like it could be that some idiot is bringing his dog over and 'training' them by siccing them onto the farm animals. Don't they have security guards at schools anymore? Isn't anyone patroling the property at night?]

Sheriff Deputies are also on the case and Animal Control has set up a trap outside the stalls where one of the goats was attacked in case the attackers are dogs.

The attack is heartbreaking for students and staff who helped raise these animals. Now they are helping nurse these animals back to health.

"It's very demoralizing and it's very very hurtful but the kids it's been amazing to watch. The kids are helping mend the animals. It's touching to see how they're coming together," says Burden.

Brownie had her ears ripped off

The school has secured the animals in a barn and they’re hoping surveillance cameras at the school may give some answers.

(Fox40 - September 19, 2011)