Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pet Killed In Pit Bull Attack

TEXAS  -- A Baytown woman is mourning the violent death of her small dog that was mauled by a pit bull.

Beverly Valentino, 63, was taking her 13-pound Maltese-Poodle mix, Bella, outside when a pit bull approached and attacked Bella. She tried to get away, but Valentino said the pit bull was intent on killing Bella.

The Malte-poo ran back into the house for cover, but the pit bull gave chase.

"The dog got under her dining room table and got her neck again," Valentino said.

Dried blood stains on a rug mark the spot where the dog took the life of a pet Valentino said she got when her mother passed away.

"I've had Bella since she was about 11 weeks old," she said. "She was a little over 13 months."

In the meantime, Valentino's son adopted another dog, Paco, to try and cheer his mother up. She said the new puppy is slowing growing on her, however, she still wants to warn others about Bella's death so they won't suffer the same heartbreak.

RIP Bella

"I don't want this to happen to anyone else," she said.

Animal control officials said they plan on increasing patrols in the neighborhood for the next week.

They plan on doing so during school hours to protect children and just in case there is another dog roaming the area.

[These types of stories infuriate me. It's one thing to be walking on the sidewalk and get attacked, but to have a monster invade the sanctity of your home and attack and kill?! Absolutely outrageous.]

(Click2Houston - September 21, 2011)