Friday, September 2, 2011

Pennsylvania: A tiny dog’s bloody killing by Jessica McGahee and Tom Nalbone's vicious dogs leaves a void in its owner’s heart

PENNSYLVANIA -- His eyes tearing up, Victor Swiderski stood in the middle the living room of his South Hanover Street home on Thursday thinking about the ferocious attack by a large dog that mauled his tiny poodle named Ginger.

Swiderski, 85, said he was standing outside a side door to his home with Ginger when a German shepherd and a Rottweiler charged into his yard just before 5 p.m. Wednesday.

The German shepherd mauled Ginger, ripping the tiny dog apart, while the Rottweiler sat several feet away, Swiderski said.

Swiderski rushed his dog to the Plains Animal Hospital where it was euthanized.

“There was nothing they could do,” Swiderski said.

Tears filled Swiderski’s eyes as he recalled the attack from inside his home, standing next to Ginger’s kennel and bed.

“Looking around here, it’s tough to see all the toys for her,” Swiderski said.

Swiderski suffered bruises to his right arm when he tried to pull the larger German shepherd off the tiny poodle. He does not know if he was bitten by the German shepherd or if the bruises were caused by its spiked collar.

Nanticoke police Detective Capt. William Shultz said police captured the two dogs down the street and transported the animals to the SPCA in Plains Township. Shultz said the case is being investigated by the state dog officer because it is not definite that the German shepherd bit Swiderski.

“It was the most vicious attack I’ve ever seen; there was nothing Ginger could do,” Swiderski said.

Swiderski said he took Ginger outside a side door on a leash to prevent her from running after rabbits. As soon as he stood on the concrete stoop, Swiderski said his neighbor yelled to go back inside.

“My neighbor yelled to get my dog inside because those other dogs were running around again,” Swiderski said. “By the time I turned around, it was too late.”

His neighbor ran over and struck the German shepherd with a walking stick.

Shultz said the German shepherd and Rottweiler are owned by Jessica Ann McGahee, who resides at 1027 S. Hanover St., two houses away from the Swiderski residence.

McGahee and her boyfriend, Tom Nalbone, were away at the time of the attack, Shultz said.

It remained unknown if she will be cited.

“That would be up to the dog officer,” Shultz said.

The dogs appeared to have escaped from an outside pen that can be seen from the street. A section of the pen appeared damaged.

McGahee did not return a message for comment on Thursday.

(Times Leader - Sept 2, 2011)