Sunday, September 25, 2011

Woman Mauled By Dog in Rockville

MARYLAND -- A 34-year-old woman was mauled by a dog in the 14000 block of Pellita Terrace In Rockville on Thursday around 3 p.m., say Montgomery County authorities. Police describe the dog as some type of a pit bull mix.

The woman suffered between 20 to 30 lacerations on both arms and legs. There are unconfirmed reports that the victim's left thumb was also torn off. Rescuers do say that her injuries are non life-threatening.


Montgomery county police tell us today that they were called to the address yesterday because an anonymous citizen heard people yelling.

After yesterday's incident, police now say that it was a family member who was attacked by the dog, and that is what the two women were yelling about - trying to get the dog off the woman. Police say Animal control did come and get the dog, and they are still deciding what to do with the animal.

Police say there may not be any charges filed, but at this point they say their investigation shows "by no means was the dog used as a weapon".

Police have taken the dog into custody.

Police and animal control initially went to the home right after the incident to ask for the dog but the owner refused to relinquish the dog. They issued a 10 day quarantine order -- requiring the dog to stay inside and under control -- and left. They later returned and took the dog.

The dog is now being kept at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter. It's not clear if the dog will be euthanized.

(WUSA - Sept 23, 2011)