Thursday, October 6, 2011

Boy may need skin graft after attack

AUSTRALIA -- THE 12-YEAR-OLD boy who was viciously mauled by a dog may need skin graft surgery to heal his wounds.

Wayne Cornell has remained in Toowoomba Hospital since a german shepherd attacked him outside his friend's house in Grey St on Monday afternoon.

He sustained deep bite wounds to his right and left leg in the incident.

His mother Samantha Cornell said doctors had seen Wayne this morning but would wait another day to see how his injuries were progressing before deciding if he required a skin graft.

"He is on seven drips a day," Ms Cornell said.

"They are to make sure he keeps fighting any infection."

Ms Cornell said she wanted the dog to be destroyed.

The unprovoked attack took place when Wayne was walking to his aunt's house after school.

He stopped in front of a friend's house on Grey St in South Toowoomba. His friends encouraged him to pat the german shepherd inside the yard, but he refused.

"I said, 'No way, that dog looks deadly'," Wayne said.

But when his friends opened the gate for a relative who was arriving by car, the dog attacked.

One of his friends tried to hold the dog back but it kept its focus on Wayne.

"It ran through his legs and it bit me on the right leg first.

"The boys got it off and I got up on a fence."

However, the dog came again, biting Wayne on the left leg and dragging him from the fence.

The terrified youngster tried to take refuge behind a small tree, but again the dog attacked.

"It walked around slowly and looked at me as if I was stupid and it bit me again."

His friends were finally able to get the dog back inside the yard as Wayne sat in shock on the footpath.

"When I first looked down after the three bites there was a big piece of skin hanging off.

"The boys just stared because they hadn't seen the inside of a leg before."

A resident of the street came to Wayne's aid, calling an ambulance.

A Toowoomba Regional Council spokesman said animal management staff were investigating the attack.

"Pending the results of that investigation, council may take further action however will continue to maintain the confidentiality of all parties involved," he said.

(The Chronicle - Oct 6, 2011)