Sunday, October 2, 2011

Elderly man fights off pit bull

PENNSYLVANIA -- Authorities said a man was attacked by a dog while walking home from work Wednesday night on Pittsburgh’s North Side.

Officials said Ed Kocian, 71, suffered several injuries when the dog broke through a screen door and attacked him.

Douglas Kocian, the victim's son, said his father was walking on East Ohio Street towards his home on Vista Street.

“I heard my Dad yelling, ‘help, help!’ and I didn’t know what to do so I told my wife to call the police,” Kocian said.

Kocian said his father used an umbrella to try to defend himself until police came. He was later taken to a hospital.

“I was very upset,” Kocian said. “I was mad.”

The dog’s owner didn't want to speak on camera, but said he wasn't home at the time and feels awful about what happened. He also said the pit bull lab mix has been quarantined.

[How can the dog be quarantined when he's standing on the street being filmed with the dog? Or the bite dog is quarantined and this brown and white pit bull is his other dog? Who knows.]

(WPXI - Oct 1, 2011)