Thursday, October 13, 2011

Letter to Editor: "Ban pit bulls"

CALIFORNIA -- My mom was walking her dog when they were attacked by a pit bull a few months ago. What will it take to get this under control? It’s unbelievable that a hearing needs to be held to deem the pit bull that attacked and killed a beagle on Sept. 28 dangerous or not.

This is the second time he has attacked and now it ended in a senseless tragedy. What if it had been a small child walking the family pet? Sonoma County needs to ban this breed — period. In Germany, it is illegal to own a pit bull as a pet.

I went to the police the evening that my mom and her dog were attacked for the second time by a neighbor’s loose pit bull. I was told by the woman inside that it was an animal control issue, not a police issue. I was not even allowed to speak to an officer. If you call animal control after hours, you are told to call the police. What kind of treatment is this? Is it going to take another tragedy?

I feel anyone who owns a pit bull should be required to pay additional liability insurance, spay or neuter, and have visits from animal control to check on yard security. Better yet, ban them and enforce tougher leash law policies and fines. The area near Holly Lane (the bike path) is still full of dogs let loose by their owners.

My mom had to see a hand surgeon and still does not have full use of her hand. There are at least eight pit bulls that live within a three-block radius of my mom. She is afraid now, after hearing about this story, to walk her dog in an area that she has lived for 15 years and paid a great sum of money for her home! This injury came from a pit bull attack from a leashed dog that dragged its owner over to attack my dog and got my mom instead.

I want to make sure Police Lt. Tim Lyons is aware of this, too. I am sure you will see me at the next City Council meeting.

Annie Zurth, Petaluma

(Petaluma 360 - October 13, 2011)

Pit bull attacks, kills dog on leash
Unleashed dogs a growing problem