Evidence photos obtained by 10TV show Peter Bower with two of the dogs he used to own.
A file of evidence against Bower also contained a love letter he addressed to his dog named Maggie, 10TV’s Glenn McEntyre reported.
In the letter, Bower wrote repeatedly of his love for Maggie and admitted to
The file also contained photographs of Bower RAPING
In the absence of a law banning bestiality in Ohio, the strongest charge prosecutors could pursue against Bower was animal cruelty, McEntyre reported.
In order to prove animal cruelty, prosecutors had to prove that the animals were injured because of the sexual contact Bower had with them.
“The prosecutor moved to dismiss several charges that he felt he could not prove due to the fact that he could not show the actual harm to the animal,” Shelby Municipal Court Judge Jon Schaefer said.
Is a child being raped always going to show physical injury to their genitals? No.
In exchange for a “no contest” plea to charge of injuring animals, Bower was sentenced to 80 days of community service, two-years of probation, ordered to attend sexual addiction classes, and prohibited from owning an animal during the 2 year probation period.
Investigators, the prosecutors and the judge all said that under current Ohio law, it was the best they could do.
“I think the resolution is appropriate because we have a very sick individual,” Schaefer said. “This way we’re gonna get that individual, hopefully, into counseling.”

They say for a tough sentence, Ohio will need to create a tougher law.
Schaefer said that if Bower fails to get counseling he could be ordered to jail for 180 days [which is nothing].
Bower declined to comment, McEntyre reported.
(10tv - Nov 28, 2011)