Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pastor rescues teen from dog attack

OHIO -- A Mason High School student is recovering in the hospital after she was attacked by a dog last weekend.

Carley Crain, 17, was volunteering with her church as part of a community service project called Mason Serves when she was attacked as she walked through a home on Van Buren Drive Saturday morning. She was at the home of a blind woman to perform yard work with a team of volunteers when the homeowner's dog, a 90-pound Akita, attacked.

Jeff Greer, Pastor of Grace Chapel in Mason, jumped into action and helped saved Crain's life.

"It's the worst bite I've ever seen," said Mason Police Officer Steve Temple.

Witnesses said Greer starting kicking the dog after it began biting Crain's face. He was able to remove the dog from Crain and wrestle the animal to the ground. He held it on the ground until paramedics and the dog warden arrived.

"He basically fended the dog off by sticking his hand in the dog's mouth," said Rick Crain, Carley's father.

"I think he did a very brave thing," said Officer Temple.

Greer suffered numerous bites to his arms and legs. He has since been released from the hospital. Greer visited Crain at the hospital Tuesday.

"Jeff is a big hugger, and the first thing that she wanted to do when she saw pastor Greer was to try and reach her hands out to hug Jeff," said Rick Crain.

The dog was put to sleep with the owner's permission.

The homeowner, Judy Hatter, was charged for not controlling her dog and having a license for the animal. She is scheduled to appear in court on Thursday.

(KY Post - Nov 15, 2011)