Saturday, December 17, 2011

Little girl, 5, mauled by pit bull

NEW JERSEY -- A defenseless 5-year-old Jersey City girl was viciously attacked by a pit bull Thursday night, sending her to a hospital with cuts, punctures wounds and swelling to her leg after the animal tried “to take her leg off.”

The dog was impounded and could be put down under the state’s dangerous dog law, authorities said. The pit bull’s owner, Antoine McRae, 34, was issued summonses, cops said. Police say McRae admitted he had no control over the dog during the attack.

“I was screaming ‘Get the dog off my baby oh my God!’ ” Samantha Davis said last night of the attack on her daughter, Nysire George, at 5:36 p.m. Thursday in front of McRae’s Fulton Avenue home. “It was turning her and twisting her. It was trying to take her leg off.”

After the attack on the girl, McRae was cited for having an unlicensed, unleashed and unmuzzled dog, police reports say.

When police arrived at McRae’s home he told them his dog “Beans” had bitten a girl and she was inside, reports said. The officers found Nysire lying on a couch and bleeding from her leg, reports said.

Davis told police she and her daughter were walking by when Beans opened a gate with his head, pounced on Nysire and clamped his jaws on the girl’s left leg, reports said. McRae told police the dog “did not listen to verbal commands, nor could he remove the dog from the child for some time,” reports said.

The girl was taken to the Jersey City Medical Center where emergency room doctors said she suffered at least six puncture wounds, numerous cuts and a possible fractured shin bone, reports said. A hospital spokesman said she was treated and released, but Davis said her daughter is due back in the hospital today.

Jersey City Animal Control officers went to McRae’s home later Thursday night and impounded the dog, which is being housed at the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City. Animal Control Officer Joe Frank said it is being held under the state’s dangerous dog law, which could lead to it being euthanized.

The attack has little Nysire so shaken that she is afraid of her own puppy, a pit bull mix that her mom just recently purchased for her.

“She doesn’t want it now. I have to get rid of it.”

McRae chose not to comment on the incident.

(The Jersey Journal - December 17, 2011)