Monday, December 19, 2011

Local woman injured in dog attack

ILLINOIS -- A 52-year-old local woman was seriously injured Sunday morning after being bit on the face by a pit bull in the 1200 block of Hillcrest Lane, said Freeport Deputy Police Chief Jeff Davis.

 The incident occurred at around 11 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 18. The victim and her 22-year-old daughter were allegedly walking on Hillcrest Lane when they were approached by a man walking his pit bull.

 According to Davis, the dog reportedly pulled its owner close to the two women. When the dog reached the women, he allegedly lunged up at the 52-year-old victim, and bit her on the lip, Davis said.

“There was significant damage to her lip,” Davis said.

 The victim was taken to FHN Memorial Hospital for treatment. A condition report was not available.

 There are conflicting reports about how this incident occurred, Davis said. The women claim the dog came up to them, while the owner says the women approached his dog, Davis said.

 Davis said the dog’s owner, Daniel King, 30, of Freeport, has been served with an observation order, meaning he has to keep the dog confined for 10 days. King was also served with a notice that his dog has been deemed dangerous by the City of Freeport. King will now have to go through the dangerous dog procedure, and he has a right to request a hearing, Davis said.

 Depending on the results of this process, King may have to comply with several city regulations designed to protect the public from dangerous animals. This includes having a muzzle on the dog when the animal is being walked outside, Davis said.

 The dog, which remains in the custody of its owner, is current on its shots, Davis said.

(Journal Standard - Dec 19, 2011)