At 4:30 p.m., police were called to 101 High St., where an officer confirmed a pit bull had "slipped" through his harness and attacked Monty, who was barking in a yard.
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RIP Monty |
Bonnie McGrenaghan, 65, let Monty and P.J., a West Highland terrier, out her front door and into her yard Tuesday afternoon. Minutes later, P.J. was at the door, scrambling to get inside, she said.
McGrenaghan said she walked outside and found Monty lying in a pool of blood. She said a pit bull out for a walk with its owner got loose and mauled her pet.
"(Monty) never growled in his life and he certainly didn't do anything to provoke this, and he was just mutilated," she said.
She said the pit bull's owner claimed Monty ran out in the street.
"I have an Invisible Fence," McGrenaghan said. "(Monty) has never been able to cross it; he is a house-hugger. My other little P.J. has never crossed it, and they never have their collars off."
Officers confirmed the electric fence did keep the Bichon Frise contained to McGrenaghan's yard.
When the pit bull slipped its harness, the dog-walker ran over and attempted to intervene, according to Police Chief John Scippa.
The pit bull belongs to Donald McElreavy, of Lovell Road, who must pay a $100 fine for the incident, police said. McGrenaghan said McElreavy offered to pay her veterinarian bill. The pit bull had been vaccinated against rabies and, by law, the owner is required to keep the dog under watch for the next 10 days in his home to make sure it is not sick.
"The owner of the pit bull has already paid all the vet bills and clearly stands ready to accept whatever civil penalty is imposed, and is still very upset about what happened," Scippa said. "This case is a clear example that this was an accidental situation and all the dog owners are being very responsible and very reasonable to resolve this."
The $100 fine is a statutory fine for an animal, either alone or in a pack, that attacks any domestic animal or person.
Scippa said, in a case such as this, McGrenaghan can appeal to the court and seek other forms of compensation, however, she cannot seek the death of the attacking dog. Only police may seek the euthanization of an attacking dog. Scippa said police officers will continue to investigate to determine the appropriate response.
"The Police Department is going to do the investigation, based on the outcome of the investigation, it will dictate how we resolve this," the police chief said.
McGrenaghan said she does not intend to take the issue to court. She said she wants the laws in New Hampshire to be more clear.
"I confess, I love animals and dogs, and I am quite sure (the dog's owner) is sorry," McGrenaghan said. "There should be some rules and laws in Stratham. I'd like to see some rules, laws or something, so that other people are protected. If two months go by and this dog is allowed to live, he might get one of the kids playing in the yard."
(Seacoast Online - February 24, 2012)