Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Columbus boy attacked by neighbor's dog

GEORGIA -- A Columbus mother is in fear for her child, after he was attacked by a neighbor's dog. She says people in her neighborhood are not keeping their dogs fenced in properly. 

Eleven-year-old Cameron Hayward loves to play outside, but his mom Occriss says she's anxious every time he does go out. "The dog just grabbed him right [in the face]. And, just jumped up and just bit him," said Occriss.

Cameron's mother sent him down the street to get an item from a neighbor at this house. His mom says he was standing in the street when a blue-nosed Pit bull ran out of the neighbor's house straight for Cameron.

"The dog pushed the fence down, because it was not secure, he pushed the fence down and attacked him, and grabbed him in his face," said Occriss.

Cameron says he ran into the neighbor's house trying to get away from the dog, "After [I ran in the house] the dog tried to rip me again. It's like he just came out of nowhere. I didn't even see it coming."

The dog chased him inside trying to bite him again, ripping his pants and shoes.

Cameron was rushed to hospital where he received 14 stitches in his face and chin.

Animal control took the dog into their custody. By Georgia law they are required to keep the dog for 10 days.

"We keep them for 10 days to ensure that he is not rabid or anything of that nature. We continue to feed him and care for it just like it was at home," says Animal Control Division Manager, Drale Short.

While the animal is at the shelter, he will be evaluated to determine if he is dangerous. If the dog is classified, his owner could keep him under certain requirements, like getting a surety bond and proper fencing, or he can surrender the dog to the state.

"If he surrenders the dog, we will not try to re-adopt that dog, no; because of the severity of the bite," said Short.

The owner was ticketed on a half-dozen charges, among them, not securing the dog properly, not having a city permit, and, of course, for the bite itself.

Cameron's mother says they do plan to press charges against the owner.

(WTVM - Feb 29, 2012)