Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Florida: Laszlo Horvath, 24, charged with raping his dog to death, back in court on probation violation. The real question for Florida is: why the hell would you give a dog rapist probation??

FLORIDA -- An Orange County man charged with sodomizing his dog was briefly back in court Wednesday for a hearing related to a suspected probation violation.

Laszlo Horvath, 24, pleaded no-contest in March 2010 to an animal cruelty charge. He was sentenced to three years probation and forbidden to own animals.

Horvath was arrested in July 2009 and told authorities he sexually assaulted his 8-year-old Whippet mix because he was "lonely".

The dog was seriously injured, and after Horvath refused to pay for the dog's care, an investigator persuaded him to surrender the dog to animal services.

The dog was euthanized.

Court records state Horvath violated his probation by missing more than one sex-offender treatment class.

(Orlando Sentinel - March 7, 2012)