Thursday, March 8, 2012

California: Pit bull runs inside woman's home and attacks her Corgi; police respond and kill the pit bull

CALIFORNIA -- Pacifica police have killed another pit bull, seven months after a dog of the same breed mauled its pregnant owner to death.

In Tuesday's incident, police say the pit bull pinned down a corgi by its neck while the owner of the smaller dog screamed and tried to separate them.

An officer showed up at the house on Adobe Drive at 9:10 a.m., and the pit bull turned its sights on him. The unidentified cop, "fearing for his safety," shot the pit bull once in the chest as it was 3 to 4 feet away, Chief James Tasa said in a statement. The pit bull died.

Tasa said the pit bull and another dog, a husky, belonged to a nearby resident and got loose.

The pit bull made its way into a woman's home through an open door and started attacking her corgi INSIDE HER HOME.

The corgi survived after being treated by veterinarians while the husky was taken by the Peninsula Humane Society, which is now in charge of the investigation.

In August, Pacifica police shot and killed a pit bull after it killed its pregnant owner, 32-year-old Darla Napora, in an attack that shocked the region.

(San Mateo County Times - March 7, 2012)