Saturday, April 21, 2012

Father Seeks Stiffer Penalties For Dogs After Daughter Bitten

MINNESOTA -- A Twin Cities father wants to see stiffer penalties for dangerous dogs after his 5-year-old daughter was [attacked] by a pit bull.

Inside her St. Paul home, you’d think that little Lola has nothing to fear, but the 5-year-old has a lot on her mind, On Easter Sunday, Lola’s arm took the brunt of a pit bull’s powerful jaws. Now, more than a week later, healing is slow.

Lola was given permission to pet a neighbor’s dog. Seconds later, outside surveillance video shows her father, Peter Barry, running from the animal with both daughters.

“There was flesh and muscle hanging out. I had skin and fat from her arm on my shirt after I picked her up,” said Barry.

Part the frustration for Barry is that this dog has bitten before.

“It’s very upsetting to think that my daughter could be attacked by a pit bull in our neighborhood that we knew nothing about that had previously attacked another neighbor,” said Barry.

After that first attack, the two-year-old pit bull was labeled potentially dangerous. The dog had to be licensed, but the city decided it did not need to be muzzled.

[I hope these city leaders look at this little girl's injuries and know that this is 100% their fault.]

“It seems like there is no right for the victims, but every right under the sun for the dog owner to ensure the dog stays alive after its bit somebody,” said Barry.
Barry is now pushing for some type of neighborhood notification — at the very least — after a dog bites.

He believes it would have not only prevented the attack, but the emotion fallout that followed.

“That should never have happened,” said Barry.

The dog has been quarantined at animal control since Easter. The owner should find out the fate of the dog by Monday.

It could range from putting the animal down to the owner getting the animal back, but having to follow some strict rules, which include keeping the dog muzzled.

(WCCO - April 20, 2012)