Saturday, April 14, 2012

Toddler attacked by pit bull expected to survive

CALIFORNIA -- A pit bull dog brought tragedy to a little girl. She's just 3 years old and is now in the hospital with terrible bite wounds to her face.

We haven't been able to get the latest condition of the still unidentified toddler. We were told by the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department that she had to get surgery for the bite wounds to her face.

The dog's name is "Turk" and he's a 7-year-old brindle and white pit bull. The dog, for some still unknown reason, bit a 3-year-old in the face.

"The child was on the bed. The dog was not on the bed. So that's pretty much all that we know at this time," said Contra Costa County Lt. Cedric Williams-Cain, with animal services.

Williams-Cain says the girl was visiting her grandmother on Plum Street in Martinez when the grandmother's dog attacked. Neighbor Ed Lamb heard a commotion outside at about 11:30 a.m.

"The street was blocked off, but then I saw them carry her out, but like I said she was all wrapped up," said Lamb.

The girl was brought to Oakland's Children's Hospital for treatment. The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department says she underwent surgery Friday afternoon. Neither the girl nor the grandmother who owns Turk has been named. Turk has received a death sentence for the attack.

"The dog was surrendered and placed under state mandated quarantine for 10 days, after which the animal will be humanely euthanized," said Lt. Williams-Cain.

Lamb is not a friend of pit bulls.

"I think they ought to be put to sleep. That's the best thing that could happen to them. Especially when they're done this," said Lamb.

Next door neighbor Freddy Gutierrez, 15, says the dog was never aggressive. He says the dog hardly ever barks and doesn't show any hostility to anyone and it was a friendly dog.

Neighbors say they hardly ever saw the dog because it spent most of the time indoors or in the backyard. Neighbor Marvin Murray, who owns two rescued pit bulls -- "Max" and "Momma" -- says the dog's aren't the ones to blame.

"The wrong people get good dogs and it's how people turn the dogs out," said Murray.

Williams-Cain says animal services says it's investigating whether or not Turk has a history of aggressive behavior and/or biting. On top of this tragedy, the grandmother could face criminal charges.

(KGO - APril 13, 2012)