Monday, May 21, 2012

Boy, 2, hospitalized after dog bites him

PENNSYLVANIA -- A 2-year-old boy was hospitalized after he was bitten by a dog Sunday at a Lancaster city home, police said.

The child was taken to Lancaster General Hospital with a wound to the back of his head, according to Sgt. Mark Radmore.

He said the boy's injuries were not life-threatening.

The incident happened shortly after 8 p.m. in the backyard of a home in the first block of South Water Street.

Radmore said the boy was playing and went to retrieve a ball from the dog when the pit bull bit him.

The residents of the home, who were watching the dog for its owner, killed the animal with a pitch fork after the attack, Radmore said.

[Hmm, I'd be curious to know if this were actually true. Why does it seem that pit bulls are being 'watched' by people so often?]

He said he did not know if the dog had been stabbed or clubbed with the tool. The animal was dead when police arrived, he said.

A representative from Organization for Responsible Care of Animals picked up the dog's body and took it to the PETS animal hospital, where it will be tested for rabies.

Radmore said the dog did not have up-to-date shots.

No charges had been filed Sunday night.

(Intelligencer Journal - May 20, 2012)