Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dangerous dog returned to owners

AUSTRALIA -- The dog that mauled an 11-year-old boy at River Heads earlier this year has been returned to its owners, despite being declared dangerous by council.

River Heads lad Blayde Humphreys was taken to hospital after the German Shepherd, belonging to a neighbour, ripped through his right leg on February 14. Blayde was on crutches for six weeks following the attack, which left him nursing torn tendons.


His mother Wendi told the Chronicle the German Shepherd was regularly seen roaming the streets and she'd even made a complaint to council prior to her son being bitten.

Fraser Coast Regional Council this week confirmed that after an investigation the dog had been declared dangerous and impounded.

"Following an investigation by council compliance officers, the dog was declared dangerous under the Animal Management Act 2008 and subsequently impounded after found wandering," council's director of community and development Peter Smith said.

Mr Smith said the animal's owners had since complied with regulations which include installing secure fencing and displaying warning signs about the dog.

"The owners have paid the fines and charges to have the animal released from the pound and have complied with the Dangerous Dog declaration, which requires adequate fencing and warning signage," he said.

Blayde had been walking another neighbour's dog, which he did for pocket money, when he was set upon by the german shepherd.

He said he'd been confronted and threatened by a group of kids with sticks who were with the unleashed alsatian.

Another resident of River Heads Rd, who didn't want to be named, said the dog had chased people, attacked other dogs and that she feared for the safety of her children.

(Fraser Coast Chronicle - May 17, 2012)