Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lowville woman charged over loose dog attacks

NEW YORK -- A village woman has been cited with allowing two dogs under her care to run loose last week, one of which bit two women.

Village police charged Amanda S. Hotchkiss, 32, of 7523 S. State St., with violating two village ordinances prohibiting dogs from running loose and menacing people, answerable in Village Court.

Ms. Hotchkiss was accused of allowing two dogs, a shepherd mix and pit bull mix, to run loose throughout the village last Wednesday.

The shepherd mix, owned by Ms. Hotchkiss’s incarcerated brother, Nathan, attacked and bit two women, one near her South State Street apartment and the other on Shady Avenue, police said. Both women were taken to Lewis County General Hospital for treatment.

(Watertown Daily Times - May 16, 2012)