Friday, May 4, 2012

Man shoots pit bull for attacking his small dog

COLORADO -- Police responded around 1:45 p.m. on Thursday to a call that a dog had been shot in a neighborhood off Ottley Ave. in Fruita.

Police say the dogs were in the same yard, and the owner of the dog shot the pit bull after it attacked his dog.

Neighbors say the two houses are across the street from one another.

It all happened within a few hundred yards of playing neighborhood kids, and neighbors on the street say that worries them that a gunshot and dog attack happened so close to their kids.

Fruita police caught up with the man who shot the pit bull near Shelledy Elementary.

It's not clear the breed of the dog that was attacked, but police say both dogs are still alive. No charges have been filed, and the case is still under investigation.

(NBC11News - May 3, 2012)