Saturday, May 5, 2012

More than 250 dogs seized in raid at Venice home

FLORIDA -- Hundreds of dogs kept in chicken coops behind a South Venice home were rescued this week after anonymous tips led investigators to the property.

Animal control workers began the rescue operation Wednesday and by Friday had removed 263 dogs.

At least 100 were taken to the county's Animal Services center on Bee Ridge Road, with many others being cared for by animal rescue facilities.

The dogs were well fed, but many had matted fur and open sores and some had hookworm and heartworm. All were infested with fleas.

"It was a horrible situation for them to be living in," said Lt. Scott Ortner, animal services director.
The property is owned by Bernard Faircloth, 61, and Donna Faircloth, 59.

Ortner said Donna Faircloth was a former breeder suffering from the economic downturn who did not want to euthanize the dogs, so over time it became a hoarding situation.

[Who said she had to euthanize them? Give them away for free! One who is suffering from "the economic downturn" does not SUDDENLY find themselves with 263 dogs. She continued to breed. And breed. .And breed. This was calculated.]

On Friday, Bernard Faircloth said his wife is clinically depressed and had started hoarding the animals at their home.

"I had no idea she had as many as she had," he said.

He said his wife faces three misdemeanor charges.

"My wife developed hoarding as a symptom of her depression," he said. "It started slow and then it continued and pretty soon you find yourself not looking at things."

He said it cost them about $1,200 a month for food and medicine. She also had about 100 birds at their home in the 200 block of High Point Drive, off Border Road.

They live in an expansive neighborhood with large lots and no deed restrictions.

Faircloth said his neighbors never complained to them about the animals.

He was grateful the Animal Services staff treated him and his family well.

His wife, he said, is not dealing well with the removal process.

"It would be like someone taking your children," he said. "We're in the stage of trying to figure out what to do."

Faircloth said his wife's depression affected him as well and changed his behavior.

"I don't know what's right, but I know what was here was wrong," he said.

All of the animals need to be medically evaluated, treated or cleared. A number of veterinarians and groomers have volunteered to help the animals.

The dogs are being processed at the Sarasota County Animal Shelter at 8451 Bee Ridge Road.

Sarasota County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Wendy Rose said space to house the animals is another major issue.

"We are incredibly grateful to the area animal rescue groups that are assisting us with housing and fostering some of these animals," Rose said in an email.

More than a dozen veterinary clinics and rescue groups helped out.

The small shelter staff will be spending the weekend treating the animals. Rose asked that anyone will to adopt a dog wait until Monday to call the shelter at 861-9500.

(Herald Tribune - May 4, 2012)