Monday, May 21, 2012

United Kingdom: Owner’s appeal after his Yorkie attacked and the pit bull owner took off

Update: Carol Ramsden pleads guilty to having dangerous dog out of control. Pit bull attacked man and his Yorkie. She grabbed the pit bull and ran off with it.

UNITED KINGDOM -- A man and his Yorkshire terrier are recovering after a dog attack.

Colin Charles, of Trafalgar Square, suffered cuts and scratches to his hands and face during the incident.

His dog, two-year-old Captain Jack Spratt, was left with a large puncture wound to the chest.

The attack happened when Mr Charles was walking Jack in Trafalgar Square at around 7.30am on Wednesday.

He saw a lady walking towards him with a black Staffordshire bull terrier with a white patch on its chest.

Mr Charles, who is chairman of the Friends of Trafalgar Square, said: “The dog just went for Jack. I tried to intervene and the Staffy pulled its owner down.

“Jack was squealing like a stuck pig. I had to stick my hand in the other dog’s mouth to try and prise it apart.”

He said a neighbour saw what was happening and stuck a stick between the Staffy’s jaws to release Jack.

Mr Charles said the woman was on the floor panicking and did not speak to him during or after the incident.

He added: “I’m a dog lover and I love Staffordshires. However, even though I hate to say it, I think this one should be put down.

“I’ve nothing at all against the breed, but this one was out of control.”

Mr Charles added that he had been left upset by the incident, as he feels he let Jack down, but accepts he couldn’t have done anything differently.

He reported the incident to the police straight after it happened and took Jack to Alma Vets.

The dog was treated for the puncture wound and was allowed to go home later that day.

Mr Charles said: “He seemed traumatised and was hiding under the table at first. But now he seems OK, even though the first night back was a rough night.”

North Yorkshire Police are now investigating the incident and are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

A spokesman said: “Police are making inquiries in an effort to trace the owner of the Staffordshire bull terrier.

“Officers are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them with information.

“Anyone who can help the investigation is urged to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101 – select option 2 – and ask for Scarborough police. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Please quote reference number 12120077901 when contacting the police with information about this incident.

Police are checking CCTV footage in the area and are working with the RSPCA and the dog warden.

(Scarborough Evening News - May 21, 2012)