Friday, May 4, 2012

Police: Dog shot by officer was acting aggressively

ALABAMA -- A Birmingham police officer shot and killed one of three dogs that were menacing customers and employees of a Chick-fil-A in Roebuck Wednesday night, BPD spokesman Sgt. Johnny Williams confirmed.

Police received a call about a trio of dogs, two pit bulls and a chocolate Labrador, that were acting aggressively toward people outside the Chick-fil-A. Officers were also told one of the dogs chased a Chick-fil-A manager from the parking lot into another business. Around 7 p.m. Wednesday, East Precinct officers were dispatched to the scene in the 9300 block of Parkway East.

Williams said the officers at the scene saw the dogs approach customers in an aggressive manner.

"As officers intervened, the dogs became aggressive towards the officer. The officer had to discharge his firearm at the dog to eliminate the attack," Williams said.

The shots killed one of the dogs, allegedly one of the pit bulls. The other two dogs ran away.

"When an officer sees someone facing bodily injury or possible death, they have to address that situation in a way they believe is necessary with the type of force they believe is necessary," Williams said.

The police officers contacted the dog's owner and notified him about the incident. The owner let a family member retrieve the dog's body from the Chick-fil-A property, Williams said.

As part of standard procedure, the Birmingham Police Department's Internal Affairs Division is investigating the weapon discharge.

(WBRC - May 3, 2012)