Friday, May 11, 2012

'She was a tough little dog, she fought'

OREGON -- Sad news from Companion Animal Clinic on Thursday: Itty Bitty the Dachshund has died.

The small dog was injured after an [attack by] a Staffordshire Terrier, a breed also known as a Pit bull.

The bigger dog, named Joker, was killed on scene as onlookers tried to separate the two, and one man ended up stabbing [the pit bull] to death.

Itty was rushed to Companion Animal Clinic. Officials weren't sure she was going to make it, and her owner was devastated. "It's just a crazy thing, you know? You love a dog, get attached to them, it's like a kid," said Collin Watkins, Itty's owner.

She suffered injuries to her chest, lungs and one of her legs, and doctors said she had a 50-50 chance.

A day later, Itty was doing much better. "We're keeping her very comfortable with the pain meds and all," said Dr. Alan Ross. "Every hour that goes by, I feel a little bit better."

However, Doctor Ross says that her breathing had become ragged Wednesday evening, and when he came to check on her later that night, she was gone.

"I certainly wish there was more we could do," said Dr. Alan Ross. "It's kind of a helpless feeling after a certain point, and I think we have to realize that she's in a better place right now. But she was a tough little dog, she fought."

He hopes the incident will start a dialog about safe pet practices in public places.

(KVAL - May 10, 2012)
