Monday, June 4, 2012

Ft. Collins Neighbors Attacked By Pit Bull Mixes

COLORADO -- A Fort Collins woman attacked by two dogs in her front yard found out the same dogs bit her neighbor three days earlier.

Andrea Martin was gardening Friday, when her neighbor's dogs ran into her front yard and bit her leg.

"I was screaming for my husband to come help," said Martin, who had to have several stitches on her calf.

The story sounds familiar to Phil Phelan, another neighbor, who has a matching bite wound on his leg from when the same dogs attacked him Tuesday.

"The Larimer Humane Society had plenty of warning," said Phelan, "But they didn't act, and another person got bitten."

Judy Calhoun, the executive director of the Larimer Humane Society said officers couldn't find the dogs after the first attack, but they did go back to the owner's home every day to try to talk to the dogs' owners.

"They were never home," said Calhoun. "Pets are considered property in Colorado, so just like any property, we can't go into someone's home and seize an animal without a warrant or the owner's permission."

After the second attack, Calhoun said, officers took one dog into custody and put the other dog in home quarantine.

They also ticketed the owners.

Isabel Gutierrez, who owns one of the dogs, said she does not think her dog was vicious.

"They get out sometimes because I have children who leave the door open," said Gutierrez, "But I think they were provoked because my neighbors don't want them in their yards."

She said the two dogs are litter mates, and the other is owned by her boyfriend.

After a 10-day bite confinement, the dogs' owners will be given dangerous dog permits, which include conditions such as: The dog must wear a collar, the owner must post a sign, no retractable leashes and the dog must be secured in a locked structure or walked by an adult.

Those requirements will be in place until the court date June 18, when a judge will decide what's next.
Martin said she is in fear for her family's safety.

"I have a child and a dog. I'm fearful of watering in the yard. It's not right," she said.

(The Denver Channel - June 3, 2012)