Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mail carrier attacked by pit bull

MICHIGAN -- Kalamazoo postal carrier Laura Blanchard was on her route June 18 in the 1500 block of Woodrow when, for the second time in two years, she was attacked by a pit bull.

Blanchard said she has more than 40 stitches in her face, as well as punctures and bruises on her arms, and she is having a hard time getting the attack out of her mind.

"I looked up and the dog was already halfway across the yard with intent, snarling, barking, hackles up, barreling towards me," she told 24 Hour News 8.

The attack was so severe and happened so quickly that Blanchard said she was not able to grab the pepper spray she carries.

"It grabbed ahold of my bag and pulled me forward on my elbow. I lost a good chunk of meat off of that," said Blanchard. "It all happened in such a blur."

Steven McMillion, whose brother owns Rocky the pit bull, witnessed the attack and pulled the dog off Blanchard.

"It seemed like I could not get to him fast enough," he said. "She kind of curled up and she was swatting at him and I don't know if that irritated him, but he just started biting her after that."

Blanchard has been a postal carrier for eight years. She still wears the scars from being attacked two years ago.

But this story is not about pit bulls. [OK, then what is it about???]

"I am not rallying against pits," Blanchard said. "I own one." Her dog, Madrox, is a big part of her life. She is more concerned with irresponsible owners.

"There are a lot of owners out there that are more attentive because of the reputation, but, boy, this is my second encounter, number two, so what am I supposed to think but there are a lot of irresponsible owners out there."

Rocky was euthanized by animal control, McMillion told 24 Hour News 8.

When asked if she has considered coming off the streets as a carrier, Blanchard's answer was quick and decisive.

"Who wouldn't ? Who wouldn't? That's a no brainer."

(WOODTV - June 22, 2012)