Friday, June 8, 2012

Your dog attacks your child. Would you want it back?

RHODE ISLAND -- Vanessa Marten watched in horror as the family's pit bull latched on to her 5-year-old's arm and wouldn't let go.

But she says it's was all an accident and she's on a mission to get the family's dog back home alive.

At first glance little Grace Marten looks like your average 5-year-old with a big love for dogs.

So it's hard to believe just yesterday, Grace was at Hasbro Children's Hospital, suffering from severe arm injuries.

She was playing in the front yard of this Portsmouth home with the family's one year old pit bull when her mother heard a growl and her daughter screaming for help.

"It was horrible as a mother it was the worst case scenario," says Vanessa Marten, "I just started screaming for help I didn't know what else to do."

Marten says her daughter was using a blanket to play tug of war with the dog, named Chopper, when [according to the mother] the game got a little out of control.

"I don't think he realized he got her arm and with all the yelling and confusion after he got scared and didn't know what to do," she says.

With the help of a neighbor they were able to tear the two apart.

Today Grace is sporting an ace bandage around her arm.

Underneath is several puncture wounds and a fractured wrist.

As for Chopper, his home for now is here at the Potter's League Animal Shelter in Middletown under quarantine.

Vanessa is scared he won't be returning home.

"He's not vicious it was a big accident the dog got scared and it just made the situation ten times worse," she explained.

She says Grace even wants her friend back.

"She said she doesn't want the dog to get hurt I don't want them to hurt him," she said.

(ABC6 - June 6, 2012)