Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dog Found Dead From Apparent Heat Stroke

NEW MEXICO -- A dog was found dead outside its home  from an apparent heat stroke, Doña Ana County Sheriff’s investigators said.

The incident happened at a home on Stern Road on Tuesday in Las Cruces, and a neighbor who discovered the dog reported it to the Sheriff's Office. 

The dog was reportedly tied to a cable, which became entangled with an office chair that was left in the yard. The dog did not have access to water anywhere on the property, and did not have adequate shelter or shade.

Doña Ana County Sheriff’s investigators with the Animal Cruelty Task Force are urging pet owners to ensure their animals have proper shade, shelter and water during the summer heat.

“Even with recent rains, we are still experiencing some of the hottest days of the summer,” said Investigator Robyn Gojkovich. “This is senseless. Pet owners know their animals need round-the-clock access to water, and they should be given shade and shelter from the heat.”

Charges are still pending against the owner for violating Doña Ana County’s care and maintenance ordinance that protects animals from being left without water or shelter.

(KTSM - July 20, 2012)